Whilst the PlayStation 3 may not exactly be setting Japanese sales figures on fire, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the residents of Tokyo are no longer interested in games — rather they may just be reveling more in the realm of retro gaming instead.
Or at least some people are, with three floors of old school gaming goodness in Akihabara perfectly proving the point.

The entrance itself it has to be said is fairly hard to miss,

and as far as consoles go, there’s an ample amount available.

It’s the same story for software too, with certainly no shortage as far as selection is concerned.

Plus for the fella looking for a bit of fashion to go with his fun, this watch may be more rubbish than Rolex; however it does have a certain charm – of sorts.

More so than this clock anyway.

And finally, for those a little more gung-ho about their gaming, there’s always the option of the Homer.

With the firearm coming free.
(click images for higer-res retro rubbishness)
Paul says
Ahhh, nostalgia….
I’m off to play ‘Fire’ on my Game & Watch.
shinobi says
Walking into that place is like stepping into the twilight zone I bet…
Lee says
Yeah, it was good fun Shinobi. There are working consoles switched on all over the place, so it has a really retro atmosphere. The top floor is a little arcade too. But no Space Invaders unfortunately…
Melina says
Like, woah!
shinobi says
No space invaders??? And they call themselves an arcade store? Oh the shame!!
moloko23 says
I NEED to go to Japan! I want to go to that store too! I’d probably spend all my money there in like less than a day though 😛