Having recently moved to Tokyo from nearby Ibaraki Prefecture, 22-year-old Shinpei Umezawa’s return to the region on Sunday evening may have seemed quite innocent. But rather than visiting family members or catching up with old friends, the young electrician was actually up to no good with a digital camera and a small mirror.
Securing himself a spot in one of the cubicles at a women’s train station toilet, Umezawa-san set about trying to take a few clandestine snap shots. However after only 25 minutes, his foray into furtive photography came to an abrupt and ignominious end.

Feeling there was something suspicious (or alternatively somebody was having an especially torrid time on the toilet), a commuter reported the long-locked lavatory. A decision that led to Umezawa’s capture, and eventual arrest — for trespassing of all things.
Bela says
I’ve been reading your blog for a while, not only is it interesting and fun, but I thing I will score nicely on the GREs with all that vocab I learn with every post!!!
Right on, I luv ya, Thank You very much!!!!
Toni says
I just don’t get why some men want to see women using the bathroom. That’s just disgusting.
Lee says
Bela: Thank you very much. I’ve no idea what a GRE is, but I’m I can help!
Toni: Yeah, I completely agree. Plus there’s the issue of hanging around in a station toilet. From my experience, that’s the last place you want to be spending any length of time.
Toni says
Lee- the GRE is an exam one takes if he or she wants to apply to graduate school, much like the SATs are taken by high school students who want to go to college. High SAT and GRE scores are among the requirements many colleges and grad schools have in accepting students.
Lani says
I saw a toilet like that in Dubai and didn’t know how to use it.