Land in Tokyo is a much prized possession, and as such, people have to pay a pretty penny to purchase some. A situation that means even the most meagre amount of land is likely to be built upon, making monolith-like lodgings a must.

Which, while small, do get some amount of sun,

have a certain sense of style,

and conveniently boast just enough space for a suitably sized car.

(click images for bigger smaller building)
Paul says
It seems to get wider at the car-port end. Still, I wouldn’t fancy lugging a washing machine or a sofa in there.
Is it where the inventor of plasma screens lives? You can see where I’m going with this, can’t you. I’ll get me coat.
Lee says
As long as it’s down one of those big and bulky down ones…
gleek says
i bet the inside of that place is super swanky.
Jonathan says
Yea it has to be, probably a huge plasma mounted on one end, with arcades machines along the way to it. ( i think i could have exaggerated a bit much !! )
an englishman in osaka says
Yes, it had to be a mini.
Neil Duckett says
One just like it, a little wider and wedged shape went up at the end of my street.
Mark says
I could live in that. I wouldn’t want to live in that my whole life, but I certainly could live in that for a few years. There’s probably enough space if you don’t have too many things.
Allan says
Neat architecture..
eric girold says
If you have a bad case of the runs and the toilets are on one side and the bedroom at the opposite, you repaint the corridor yellow, folks !
Alikka says
Maybe, underground facilities?
RelakS says
Is there an address for this? I like to find it on the google maps, but the table on the last bage was not enough :S
RelakS says
Oops, I found it
Japanese words says
These buildings are really common in Tokyo. Especially on corners. The funny thing is that even though the actual living space isn’t that much, the prices don’t really drop.