These two colourful characters may well have been incredibly drunk by mid-afternoon, but they are almost certainly not what one would call lightweights. Quite the opposite in fact, as the bars in this alleyway — and indeed the surrounding area — are open from late, til very late; meaning that more than likely they had been knocking back the booze since the night before. An impressive feat that makes their inebriated state simply expected, rather than anything even approaching a surprise.

gavin says
Ahhhh, the benefit of being young. I could do that once. But now, urghhh….. Even the thought of it gives me a hangover!!
Lee says
Sadly with you on that. I like a drink, but a session of that length would take me much, much longer to recover…
Al says
Yep, that’s hardcore! 😮
Lee says
It is. No doubt about it.
Hans ter Horst says
The good thing is that you never remember; I do not remember and of the kräftskiva (crayfish party) I am supposed to have attended when I lived in Sweden, so nothing bad could have happened, right? 😉
Lee says
Haha, that’s the perfect way of looking at it. And so long as there is no photographic evidence, you are as good as gold!
Coli says
what time big day was this? Really curious as to what these two are discussing. Or not discussing. Lee do you have a “route” you follow and take pictures of whatever may happen while walking? Many of your great photos seem to be from the same areas.
Lee says
Just checked the time I took the photo and it was 2:20pm. So a long session to say the least. Didn’t hang around, so afraid I’ve no idea what they were talking about. But I suspect they weren’t discussing politics or the state of the environment!
I have a few favourite areas, and tend to go to them the most. Ueno and Shinjuku being my most visited. And whilst not a route as such, yeah, I do have certain streets I like to venture down when I’m there. Then it’s just a case of hoping that something will happen, or there will be interesting people about. In those two areas there usually is.
The weather also plays a part in my decision process when choosing where to go. On sunny days I know which areas have the best light for what I want to shoot. And if it isn’t so nice, I’ll go somewhere where it’s not as crucial.