Tokyo is generally depicted as a very clean, orderly city, and in many ways it is. In fact even when there’s apparent chaos, it’s invariably of the organised variety. Cleanliness-wise, however, it’s a decidedly mixed bag, and perhaps surprisingly there’s also a fair bit of graffiti and (really quite good) urban art about, particularly in certain parts of the city. Like this narrow stairwell in Shibuya, where there are depictions of chimpanzees brandishing guns.

Others wearing crowns.

Elevator girls of the distinctly non-traditional variety.

And figures exposing the female form.

Magnus369 says
Is it wrong that I should be impressed at how well drawn some of this is? That someone has talent and may or may not be making something of it? The rest is garbage (really, scribbled nonsense), but some of it shows talent… lack of respect for someone else’s property, but talent none the less.
Lee says
No, not in the slightest. I personally agree. The chimps in particular are excellent. And the artist is at least getting his work out there for people to see.
But like you say, the rest of it is just crap. Not art at all, but mere vandalism. That, I guess, is the tricky balancing act when it comes to urban art/graffiti.
Justin says
Nice photos, I’m impressed with the graffiti as well. Didn’t really know there was much if any in Tokyo.
Lee says
Cheers. Yeah, Same here. I really like the chimps with guns. Be interesting to know if the artist has done other stuff around Tokyo.
There’s a good amount of graffiti to be seen these days. Definitely more than there used to be. A lot of really interesting stuff too.
Uchujin says
I took photos of that exact stairwell a while ago, but never put the pics up………
Wish I knew who the artist was…..I’m making a documentary on one of the Tokyo street artists at the moment, think you’ll enjoy it when I’m done 😉
If you are in Shibuya you really should call, I’m barely 7 minutes away!
Lee says
Didn’t know you were so near. Cool. I’ll be in touch next time I’m in the area.
My guess is whoever it was must have other work dotted about the city, but yeah, it’d be great to know who it is.
Excellent. Is it the fella behind all the Tepco/plitical protest art by any chance? If so I’m really looking forward to it.
winnie says
The chimps with gun were so cool!(I liked the chimp with crown) The girls in green uniform also cute!
Sad that sort of being destroyed or tainted by unwanted nonsense scribbling.
Lee says
Yeah, I know. Seen that with quite a few bits of decent art too. The nature of the beast I guess.
MrSatyre says
All power to our Chimpanzee Liberator!
Lee says
Or oppressor…
MrSatyre says
Down with the Chimpanzee Oppressor! Take back your bananas! Power to the marsupials!
Hampus says
Cool stuff, but what’s with all the green molars? I don’t know why but that’s what caught my eye first.
Grumpy Critter says
I don’t think those are molars. I think someone was trying to draw the rear end of someone bending over.