With the ongoing poisoned gyoza scandal, and the recent football-related fracas, Japan’s abundant China bashers must think it’s their birthday.
And now, to top things off, there could even be a haze-like hat-trick, as yesterday Tokyo was hit with what may well have been an unwelcome return of the seriously unsightly Chinese yellow sand.

Unless of course it was just dust of domestic descent.
Danny Choo says
Lovely pic.
Neil Duckett says
Fantastic shot, the colours are brilliant.
Neil Duckett says
Let me re-phrase that, the contrast between the colour and the murkiness is extreme.
Jonathan says
Thats amazing Lee!
Nick Ramsay says
Perfect weather for a bike ride it would seem.
Ant says
Great photo.
Which river course is that?Edogawa?Arakawa?
Lee says
The Tamagawa Ant.