This old lady must have more than a few stories to tell, and there’s possibly even another in regards why she was sat by the side of a busy, city centre street. Sadly none of which I know, but all of which are worthy of speculation.
Reader Interactions
I thought of you today because I learned that a woman in my taiko class is 80 years old and I thought, “if I can’t grow up to be one of those 80 year old Japanese ladies still running their bars in a Tokyo Times photo, here’s a more realistic goal.”
She looks great for her age. I guess she’s just waiting a short time for something or someone. I wonder about the bag. Is it for travel? If so, is it because she wants to travel or is she being forced to due to circumstances?
Yes, she really does. Like I mentioned above, there was nothing to suggest she was ill or in any kind of distress, so that was reassuring. But I agree. That bag seemed somehow odd, or at the very least somewhat out of place. Certainly an element that made me think the situation might not have been quite so straightforward…
Linda says
I thought of you today because I learned that a woman in my taiko class is 80 years old and I thought, “if I can’t grow up to be one of those 80 year old Japanese ladies still running their bars in a Tokyo Times photo, here’s a more realistic goal.”
Lee says
Haha, even if it is related to old ladies, it’s always nice to be thought of!
I’m sure that’s a very realistic goal. And a Tokyo bar owner? Well, you never know…
Jenn says
That looks like an unusual area to sit but she smiled so I guess she was fine.
Lee says
It was. Not at all sure what was going on, but yeah, she smiled, and seemed perfectly content. So all being well she was ok.
YTSL says
I hope she was just resting for a bit…
Lee says
That was my hope too, and she certainly didn’t seem in any distress or discomfort. In fact nothing at all suggested there was anything amiss.
Steve says
She looks great for her age. I guess she’s just waiting a short time for something or someone. I wonder about the bag. Is it for travel? If so, is it because she wants to travel or is she being forced to due to circumstances?
Lee says
Yes, she really does. Like I mentioned above, there was nothing to suggest she was ill or in any kind of distress, so that was reassuring. But I agree. That bag seemed somehow odd, or at the very least somewhat out of place. Certainly an element that made me think the situation might not have been quite so straightforward…
MrSatyre says
“Young man, take my picture.”
“Oh, no, thank you. I’m looking for something architectural and dark, preferably in black and white.”
“Young man! Take my picture or I’ll kick you in the family jewels!”
“Alright, alright…”
“Now tell me I look pretty.”
Lee says
Haha, I’m happy to report that she was way too nice to be so demanding!