With Tokyo now unrelentingly hot and humid every single day, the traditional fan can offer a slight respite. Bottles of cold beer, of course, are a much better option. And yet for some, cigarettes, it would seem, are absolutely sensational.
Should you wish to see more shots of this wonderfully photogenic bar, I’ve built up a little series of sorts which is located here.
Harry says
Your shots of this bar are so cool. One day I have to go there! 🙂
Lee says
Thank you. It’s as good an excuse as any to visit Tokyo!
Al says
Ha, you do love this place! 😉
Lee says
I do. There’s certainly no denying that. The great thing about this place though is not just the fascinating decor, but also the interesting people it attracts. Makes it different each and every time.
Former expat says
Love the accumulated grease on the hanging lamp: it takes me back………
Lee says
Yeah, that lamp is very special. I’ve seen and enjoyed lots of grubby little bars and restaurants, but nothing has quite matched that lamp.
Tyler says
Are you an accepted regular there now or given curious glances at gaijin with a camera?
Nice shots on all for the little bar.
Lee says
Thanks. It really is the bar that just keeps on giving.
To be honest, it’s not a regular place for me, just one I pass quite often. And the way it’s set up makes it easy to shoot from outside.
Olivier says
this looks an Interesting place to see.
It reminds me a bit the restaurant in Midnight Diner tv serie.
Lee says
It’s definitely worth seeing. Changes all the time too depending on what kind of people are drinking there. And yeah, I guess there is that element to it. A lot of older places have that vibe, especially really local bars that tend to have the same people in every night.
cdilla says
Another excellent glimpse of life in this very appealing bar. I wonder if the lamp could be converted to be fueled by the deposits it accrues?
Interesting you chose the colour version.
In my hunt for the B&W version I came across this very striking post of yours from before I found your site. One day I’ll go back through them all 🙂
Lee says
Thanks. Haha, if it could be converted it’d certainly stay lit for a very long time.
Ah, there’s no black and white version. Well, there is, but only on my computer. Wanted to try both, but much preferred this version.