From tomorrow, I shall be away from these fair isles for a month and be in the equally fair but not quite as full isles of home, allowing me the chance to catch up with family and friends whilst at the same time imbibing as much of the black stuff as my burgeoning belly can bear.

In the meantime, however, Tokyo Times will continue to be updated nigh on as often as it is now, although there will be much more emphasis on pictures rather than pitiful puns and laughable alliteration, which, it has to be said, is by no means a bad thing.
But to be totally sure there’ll be something new to see, there’s always the option of subscribing to the site’s RSS, which is full-feed and healthily ad-fat free.
Rob says
Enjoy your vacation ^^
Is Guinness not available in Japan ?
Lee says
It is, but not quite so readily. Plus it’s somewhat on the pricey side.
Ken Y-N says
Have a nice holiday Lee! Watch out for the piggie flu, however, as it’s fair doing the rounds over there.
ait_meijin says
Have a good time at home Lee! Cheers!
TradeMarkSR says
Wonderful shot man! Amazing bokeh!
Yoli says
Have a great time!
S in Shanghai says
Have a nice holiday Lee. We will not meet in Europe as I have already been there……
Sheila says
Nectar of the Gods, man…Sláinte Mhaith
Jonathan says
Enjoy your holiday Lee, haha great choice of drink 🙂