Great find. I wonder why hunting VR creatures in the real world is so popular when there are many real ones to “capture” 🙂
Odd how people look so strange when caught mid-stride. I was looking at a shot of mine in Harajuku this morning where, despite the plethora of resplendant kawaii “wildlife” it is the drably atired people frozen between steps that draw the eye.
Ron says
Haha, I love the way in the first picture all the people passing by are looking at the wizard (or you?)
Lee says
I know eh? A wonderfully odd little moment. And for once it wasn’t me being stared at — I think!
Al says
Ha, so random! Such great expressions too. Love it! 🙂
Lee says
Yes, he surprised everybody!
cdilla says
Internet hat sizes are so unreliable.
Great find. I wonder why hunting VR creatures in the real world is so popular when there are many real ones to “capture” 🙂
Odd how people look so strange when caught mid-stride. I was looking at a shot of mine in Harajuku this morning where, despite the plethora of resplendant kawaii “wildlife” it is the drably atired people frozen between steps that draw the eye.
Lee says
Haha, yes, I never got to see his face.
Very good point. Away from those little screens the world has so many things worth seeing. Sights that are all too easy to miss…