Towards the end of last week, the necessary evening blackouts meant a mass exodus from the city’s entertainment districts, as those living in the suburbs caught trains out of central Tokyo while they still could. In the afternoons, however, it was basically business as usual. And in Shibuya, that meant the standard fare of faux-tans.

And fancy fashion.

But a far less common sight, both in Shibuya and the city itself, was the large number of volunteers out and about collecting for people in need — the horrible plight of those caught up in the earthquake and tsunami even resulting in the unusual spectacle of transexual beauty queen, Haruna Ai, offering photos for donated funds.

Along with plenty of others requesting, in more conventional form, for a simple contribution.

All of which was an especially heart-warming sight considering the looming plume of radiation that was supposedly set to engulf the capital. And even more so when combined with the genuine passion and urgency of all those involved.

Biggie says
even with the blackouts, that chick in the first pic wouldn’t be in dire need of a torchlight.
Lee says
No, that’s very true!
EnglishBengz says
Those are radiation burns~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris B says
Are they connected to 2nd Harvest or just private contractors/concerned citizens?
Nice pics BTW!!
Lee says
No, as far as I know they were just concerned citizens collecting whatever they could. There were quite a few groups too. Good to see.
And thanks!
Jessica says
Thanks for the photos – lovely as always!
Lee says
Thanks Jessica!
Jeffrey says
A lot of what passes as Tokyo/Harajuku street fashion is merely ridiculous. However, the woman in that first photo, smile notwithstanding, is scary looking!
Lee says
Her hair absolutely fascinated me.
Lizzy says
Very heartwarming.
Lee says
It was Lizzy. Charities asking for money aren’t a very common sight, and certainly not with the passion these people were showing.
Joel says
Yup what Lizzy says, I hope I just can see all these pictures in 50 years and remember how everything turned out so right!
Allan Alexandre says
I have a photo of your way to see people, I’m with you