Samuel Johnson’s famous adage that, “when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life” is also equally true when talk turns to Tokyo, although at the same time, extricating oneself from the Japanese capital every now and again is not only nice, but occasionally necessary.
And, as it’s not much more than an hour away — from west Tokyo at least — Yamanashi offers a genuinely convenient contrast to the concrete and crowds.

Well, the grape growing region of the prefecture does anyway, as the flavoursome fruit can found almost everywhere.

Even on vines above vehicles.

And now is the perfect time to go and pick some.

The only trouble is, it’s really hot. Really horribly hot in fact. However, all is not lost, as even though the wine found in them isn’t very nice,

and taking note of it,

let alone tasting it,

isn’t what I would call wise, the region’s cellars are, unlike the Chardonnay, really quite refreshing.
And, as an added bonus of sorts, they may also offer up a brief glimpse of a young boy’s burgeoning love affair with booze.

Jamaipanese says
interesting photos as usual, that last one (including the captioning) was hilarious
Lee says
Thanks! Yes, the young lad looks quite a character, doesn’t he?
Patten says
Great post. Not what I was expecting. The little guy made my day!! 🙂
Lee says
Cheers Patten. Yes, he was the highlight (along with the temperature) of the wine cellar for me too.
Lizzy says
Very nice set. That first pic reminded me of some places I visited in Germany. With different rooftops, of course.
Lee says
Thanks Lizzy!
Matt says
Great shots. I like the car under the grapes. Very unusual…as i’m getting used to in your shots. Your photos have really re-ignited my enthusiasm for photography and finally made me jump into the DSLR world.
Lee says
Thanks Matt! Excellent news. Glad to hear you got yourself a DSLR. If you get even a fraction of the pleasure I get from mine then you’ll be more than happy.
Pongy says
Drinking is not healthy, let’s not romanticize the production of wine – it’s a filthy habit that creates many many problems in this world.
Lee says
That seems a bit harsh Pongy. Drunk in moderation, wine is regarded as beneficial. Or at the very least not harmful. And there are few more enjoyable things in life than sitting down with friends or loved ones for a meal and a nice bottle of wine.
tadpoles says
On the contrary, Pongy, drinking wine can be extremely good for your health. Click here for greater detail:
Far better for your health, in fact, than ignorance and bigotry, wouldn’t you say?
ameiji says
Beautiful valley and those grapes look amazingly good. Is it really that bad, japanese wine? Looks like no one like it 🙂
Lee says
Yes, the grapes are as good as they look. And the wine quite the opposite!
ameiji says
Btw, that little fellow reminded me one of these little cupids from some renaissance canvas – the same gamine pose he has. 🙂
Brandi Belle says
Very unusual photos! That little fellow really made my day! 🙂
Lee says
Thanks Brandi!
akapalamy says
Would like to taste wine, can’t be so bad. Japan beer is very nice. Beautiful photos the people very cute.
Lee says
It can akapalamy. Yes, Japanese beer is very good, but the wine is honestly quite the opposite.
Alain says
the light is magic
Emily18 says
The color of the sky is unbelievable!
mochtar says
Hi .. all
It’s very nice table grapes. Where can I find and buy the plant or some cuttings ? anyone help me ??